Are you facilitating resilience or ticking a box?

Nick Gold from Speakers Corner and I discussing resilience and support around the #ukrainecrisis It has been interesting to see how business and government communities "tick the box" to say they have supported a cause and move on to the next, whilst in the same breath talking about building resilience.

Surely this is the opposite of resilience and a reflection of the "quick win" or "need to be seen to be doing something" society that we so easily accuse the current generation of embracing?

People and therefore organisations become resilient as a result of effective behaviours and strong culture. The development of a psychological safe space in which to operate enables teams to push the boundaries of their comfort zones without fear of reprisal.

This is how innovation happens and challenges are overcome. We accept that if we are trying something new we will make mistakes but learn from them.

When we are operating in a VUCA environment (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) - Brexit, followed by Pandemic, followed by Ukraine conflict, followed by recession - we are trying something new and seeking opportunity in change.

Whether you are delivering critical aid to Ukraine or weathering the current political and financial storm, a culture of resilience which focuses on what can be achieved and developing evolving solutions will always prove to be incredibly powerful and provide the greatest chance of success.

Are you ticking boxes or developing a culture?

I'd love to hear how you are facilitating resilience...
